Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Man vs. SUV

Man vs. SUV. Who wins?

I saw a man get hit on his bike today. Well, I didn't see the man get hit. I was standing next to the window in my 2nd floor apartment and heard "cruuuuunnnnch" and "Oh my God! What were you thinking!" screamed loudly and terrifically by a woman. I went to the window to see what happened. There was a bike bent in the sidewalk, a man with a blue cap sort of hopping around, a woman outside of her SUV saying "Are you okay? Are you okay?", and a pedestrian and another biker repeatedly asking the man the same question. I guessed by his complexion and his lack of response that he might not speak English. So I went out to interpret. Turns out he did not speak English. The cops showed up a few minutes later and started questioning everyone. I stood there shivering in my running clothes trying to interpret. The cops asked for ID. The man only had his work ID. They asked for his address. I could not understand what he said and he could not spell or write his street. They asked for his phone number. They asked what happened. They asked if he needed an ambulance. I asked if he was going to work. He said he had just dropped his nino off at school. I start freaking out that the man was going to get deported while his nino is in the escuela. The woman in the SUV is concerned about the man but seems more concerned about herself not getting a ticket. I want to make her pay for his bike but figure this is not okay to ask in front of the cops. The cops tell me to leave once they notice I am in shorts and a tshirt and cold. I figure it's best to do what the cops say and not try and stay to make sure justice is served. I tell the guy good luck and pray he does not get in trouble.

I hope blue-capped man does not get in trouble for dropping his son off at school and riding his bike in the crosswalk. I hope his son learns how to read and write really well. I hope the lady with the big car attempts bike commuting.

1 comment:

  1. What a story! And way to use your skills to help that guy out...
